Code of Ethics

explore · heal · thrive

As an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in California, I adhere to the highest ethical standards to ensure the well-being and confidentiality of my clients. My Code of Ethics is based on the guidelines set forth by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, and the American Counseling Association.

  • Confidentiality: I maintain the confidentiality of all client information in accordance with state and federal laws and uphold the confidentiality privilege unless disclosure is required by law.

  • Professional Competence: I commit to maintaining a high level of professional competence through ongoing education, training, and supervision. I strive to provide services within the scope of my training and expertise.

  • Informed Consent: I obtain informed consent from clients, explaining the nature and purpose of therapy, fees, confidentiality, and the limits of confidentiality. Clients have the right to ask questions and make informed decisions about their treatment.

  • Boundaries: I maintain clear and appropriate boundaries with clients, ensuring that the therapeutic relationship remains professional and ethical.

  • Cultural Competence: I respect the diversity of my clients and strive to provide culturally competent care. I am committed to understanding the impact of culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and other aspects of identity on the therapeutic process.

  • Dual Relationships: I avoid dual relationships that could impair my professional judgment or exploit the client. If a dual relationship arises, I will take appropriate steps to address it ethically.

  • Conflict of Interest: I avoid conflicts of interest that could compromise my professional judgment or harm the client. If a conflict of interest arises, I will disclose it to the client and take appropriate steps to address it.

  • Professional Integrity: I conduct myself with integrity and honesty in all professional interactions. 

  • Client Welfare: I prioritize the welfare of my clients above all other considerations. I am committed to providing a safe, supportive, and nonjudgmental environment for my clients.

  • Compliance: I comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards governing my profession. I seek supervision and consultation when necessary to ensure ethical practice.

  • Complaints: I provide clients with information on how to file a complaint with the California Board of Behavioral Sciences if they believe I have violated my Code of Ethics or engaged in unethical behavior.

“Time does not heal all wounds; it just gives them space to sink into the subconscious, where they will continue to impact your emotions and behavior. What heals is going inward, loving yourself, accepting yourself, listening to your needs, addressing your attachments and emotional history, learning how to let go, and following your intuition.”

—yung pueblo